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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Don’t let your happiness disappear! Because of Anhedonia

Don’t let your happiness disappear! Because of Anhedonia Anhedonia is a condition in which we are unable to experience pleasure or enjoyment in life. Imagine that you used to laugh with friends or do activities you enjoyed, but now you feel indifferent and unexcited. These

Do you know difference Physical Sunscreen and Chemical Sunscreen?

Do you know the difference between Physical Sunscreen and Chemical Sunscreen? Which one is best for your skin type? Physical Suncreen      Or known as Mineral Sunscreen, there are only 2 main ingredients: Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide, which are ingredients that have been

What is cystic acne?

What is cystic acne? Nodules are  large, raised bumps with no heads. They are very painful to press on. Nodules contain pus and are cause by severe inflammation from โปรโมชั่น ufabet bacteria growing on the skin. Nodules are more difficult to treat than other types of acne.

Top 10 Vitamin A Foods And How You Can Maximise Benefits

Top 10 Vitamin A Foods And How You Can Maximise Benefits Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in supporting healthy vision, reproduction and immune system functioning. In this article, we will describe top 10 foods: and discuss how you can


AVOCADO BENEFITS FOR SKIN, HAIR HEALTH AND BEAUTY We discovered six benefits of avocado for skin, hair health and beauty that will make you want to cheer: bravocado! If you are the queen of smashed avo on toast or like your tacos with a little

How to Choose the Best Plant-Based Milk Alternatives

How to Choose the Best Plant-Based Milk Alternatives 3 Tactics for Choosing the Best Plant-Based Milk Alternatives With so many different plant-based milk alternatives available, it becomes really easy to replace cow’s milk in your diet. The only challenge is: Which plant-based milk should I

Can I eat a lot but still lose weight?

Can I eat a lot but still lose weight? The general knowledge about weight loss that I think I will try is to reduce calories and increase metabolism by changing the type of food to low-calorie food and reduce all foods, including exercising more, which