What is cystic acne?

Nodules are large, raised bumps with no heads. They are very painful to press on. Nodules contain pus and are cause by severe inflammation from โปรโมชั่น ufabet bacteria growing on the skin. Nodules are more difficult to treat than other types of acne. A dermatologist should consulte for proper treatment.
What are the causes of cystic acne?
Cystic acne is cause by several factors, including:
- Clogged Pores: Acne vulgaris is cause by a buildup of oil (sebum) and dead skin cells that severely clog the pores, leading to acne vulgaris.
- The growth of bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes (P. acne) in the pores of the skin. P. acne thrives in environments with high oil content. When the bacteria overgrow, it causes inflammation, which can lead.
- Hormonal changes, such as during puberty, menstruation, or pregnancy, can stimulate increased oil production in the skin, increasing the chances of developing.
- Genetic factors: If you have a family history of severe, you may be at a higher risk of developing cystic acne.
- Stress can trigger the production of hormones that increase oil production, which can lead to more acne breakouts.
- Using skin care products that contain irritating ingredients or are high in oil can clog pores and trigger the development.
- Popping or squeezing pimples can cause inflammation deeper in the skin, leading to cystic acne.
What areas are prone?
Cystic acne tends to occur in areas with high oil content and dense pores. The most common areas include:
- Face : such as forehead, large pimples on the nose, large pimples on the chin and cheeks. Because these areas have sebaceous glands that produce a lot of oil.
- Neck : can occur on the neck, especially the back of the neck where there is often friction from clothing or hair.
- Back : on the back is another common area. Because it has a lot of sebaceous glands, especially on the upper part of the back.
- Chest : The chest area also has sebaceous glands that produce a lot of oil. Can be prone to acne, especially in hot and humid weather.