How to Choose the Best Plant-Based Milk Alternatives

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How to Choose the Best Plant-Based Milk Alternatives

3 Tactics for Choosing the Best Plant-Based Milk Alternatives

With so many different plant-based milk alternatives available, it becomes really easy to replace cow’s milk in your diet. The only challenge is: Which plant-based milk should I choose??

When choosing plant-based milk, there are certain aspects you should consider that make the difference between a “good” milk alternative and a “bad” milk alternative. I have come up with 3 easy tactics to help you decide which one to go for.

Why do people choose to drink ‘healthy alternative milk’ instead of cow’s milk?

Of course, in the past, cow’s milk was the most popular milk because of its affordable price, delicious taste, and nutritional value that meets the needs of โปรโมชั่น ufabet people of all ages. However, on the other hand, there are also many people who are not suitable for drinking cow’s milk because most people are allergic to lactose in cow’s milk, which can be observed from symptoms of bloating or diarrhea after drinking cow’s milk. In addition, in terms of skin care, drinking cow’s milk is a factor that stimulates skin inflammation, resulting in acne problems. This may be the origin of the trend of consuming alternative milk or healthy milk such as plant-based milk.

Tactic 1: Milk as a Calcium Source

Calcium is a mineral that is needed by our body mainly to build healthy bones and teeth. Up to the age of 30, calcium helps us build up our bones. As we get older, calcium helps prevent the loss of bone.

Tactic 2: Avoid Unnecessary Additives

Now, there are additives that are good for you – calcium, for example. But there are definitely also additives that you want to avoid. One of them is sugar.

Tactic 3: Experiment

The taste of the same plant-based milk can be different from brand to brand. For almond milk, this can for example be due to a different ratio in almonds to water. I encourage you to try out different brands